Clares Law

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What is Clare’s Law: Clare’s Law also known as the Domestic Violence Disclosure Scheme; it was introduced following Clare Wood’s murder by her former boyfriend in 2009. It is a disclosure scheme by the police  to help identify if your partner may pose a  risk to you. It is anonymous, they will not be told!

Who can apply:  Any member of the public has the right to ask the police if their partner poses a risk, it can be done on a new partner, an existing partner or somebody you may have left but are considering rekindling a relationship with. A close member of the family or friend can also make an application however, the information will only be shared with the person in a relationship with the subject.

How do I apply? In Merseyside you can apply for a disclosure online or at a local police station. They will ask details regarding your partner including previous names, DOB, address and previous addresses for the past 5 years, give as much detail as you possibly can as quite often police forces cannot link up with each other’s records so will only check the addresses and areas you mention.

How long does it take?  The police aim to do an initial review within 24 hours to see if it will progress.

They will then try to follow up and arrange a face-to-face meeting within 10 days if there is something to disclose.