I found the Freedom Programme 18 months ago after experiencing my second domestic abuse relationship. The Freedom Programme helped me understand abuse better; I learnt what was acceptable behaviour and what wasn't. It helped me to gain confidence and become empowered again.
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I joined the Freedom Programme 14 months ago after escaping a domestic abuse relationship. The Freedom Programme made me realise that I wasn't alone in my experience and that I wasn't to blame. It taught me about abuse and gave me tools to understand what had happened to me.
I joined the Freedom Programme 10 months ago after a 21 cyear abusive relationship. The Freedom Programme taught me abhout Domestic Abuse so that I could understand what I had experienced and start to recognise that it was not my fault so I could begin to rebuild my self worth.
I have experienced Domestic abuse three times over and I finally escaped 4 years ago. I then began my journey of self discovery and learning.