Sarahs Law
Sarah’s law– Sarah’s Law also known as the Child Sex Offender Scheme was introduced after Sarah Payne (just 8 years old) was abducted and murdered In 2000. Sarah’s Law is a child sexual offender disclosure scheme across England and Wales that makes it possible for anyone to formally ask their local police force if someone with access to a child – whether they are a father, an uncle, or work in places where children might be – has a record of committing child sexual offences.
On request, the police will confidentially reveal those details to the person who is most able to protect that child if it is in the interest of the child to do so. Usually, this information is given to parents, carers or guardians.
As above You can apply for a Sarah’s law disclosure on any person who comes into contact with your children. Sarah’s Law will show if this person has any previous disclosures of harm towards children